Griffin's Galleon

Join the fun-loving crew on board Griffin’s Galleon and ride the waves back and forth with an unexpected turn at each end.
Ride Information
Adventurers must be a minimum height of 0.9m tall to ride.
Adventurers must be a minimum of 1.2m tall to ride unaccompanied.
Accompanying adults must sit in the same row as the Adventurer they are accompanying. Accompanying adults must sit on the open side of the gondola.
Each row accommodates up to 3 Adventurers.
Maximum of 8 adults on the gondola.
Not suitable for expectant mothers.
Not suitable for Adventurers with heart conditions, high blood pressure, back problems or neck problems.
Accessibility Information
All prosthetic limbs must be secured to the guest’s body or removed before boarding any ride.
Prosthetics must not inhibit the required seating position
Non - Ambulant & Wheelchair Access
Wheelchair users & non – ambulant guests can transfer with or without assistance from a companion or carer
Amputees can ride this ride with or without prosthetics
You must have full upper body strength including head and neck control and be able to brace against the forces.
Guests must be able to sit up and hold themselves upright without assistance from a carer for the duration of the ride.
Evacuation may be required without assistance from carer
Guest must follow the instructions of a staff member in the event of an evacuation
Missing Limb or Amputation Information
Guests with any combination of amputation, limb difference or prosthesis can experience this attraction
Accessibility and Limb Difference Guides
A full list of restrictions are detailed in the Accessibility Guide and Limb Difference Guides below.
For any further queries, please contact us on
Ride Access Information