
Soar through the skies
Just like a bat out of hell, this family-friendly rollercoaster gets you soaring through the skies and flying over the treetops with your legs dangling below you. It’s fang-tastic and once bitten, you’ll want to fly again and again.
FUN FACT: Vampire's organists face was based on an old Phil Collins wax figure. The designer, John Wardley, has also worked on other rides such as Nemesis at Alton Towers.
Ride Information
Adventurers must be a minimum height of 1.1m tall to ride.
Adventurers between 1.1m and 1.3m must be accompanied by an adult aged 16+.
Each row accommodates up to 2 Adventurers, 1 per seat.
For safety reasons, Adventurers must be properly secured in the ride seat, which means this ride may not be suitable for Adventurers with torso measurements approaching 51 inches.
Adventurers must be fully sat back in the bucket of their seats with their back against the backrest to prevent a gap between the Adventurer and the bar.
Not suitable for expectant mothers.
Not suitable for those with a fear of heights.
Not suitable for Adventurers with heart conditions, high blood pressure, back problems, or neck problems.
Vampire requires a minimum number of riders to run which is subject to delays.
Accessibility Information
Non - Ambulant & Wheelchair Access
You must have full upper body strength including head and neck control and be able to brace against the forces.
Not suitable for non ambulant Guests but we are working on this
Guests must be able to sit up and hold themselves upright without assistance from a carer for the duration of the ride
Arm amputations above the elbow are not prmitted
Any leg amputations are not permitted on the ride even with prosthetics
Guests must be able to walk unaided in case of an evacuation from the ride from height, which will require transferring onto and walking down steep steps independently, as well as potentially hilly terrain.
Missing Limb or Amputation Information
Guests are required to have a minimum of three full limbs to enjoy this attraction
Guests must have a minimum of 3 full limbs, Below the elbow amputations only are permitted to ride
Accessibility and Limb Difference Guides
A full list of restrictions are detailed in the Accessibility Guide and Limb Difference Guides below.
For any further queries, please contact us on
Ride Access Information