Dragon's Fury

Dragon's Fury
This is one very angry dragon and you’re in for a roller coaster ride through dizzying twists and turns, dips and dives and all the while your car is spinning and spinning. However many times you ride, it’s always different, depending on who sits where.
FUN FACT: Dragon's Fury also has a sister roller coaster at Alton Towers called Spinball Whizzer.
Ride Information
Adventurers must be a minimum height of 1.2m tall to ride.
Maximum height restriction of 1.95m tall.
Each car accommodates up to 4 Adventurers.
Maximum of 3 adults per car.
For safety reasons, Adventurers must be properly secured in the ride seat, which means this ride may not be suitable for Adventurers with torso/ leg measurements approaching 51inches.
Not suitable for expectant mothers.
Not suitable for those with a fear of heights.
Not suitable for Adventurers with heart conditions, high blood pressure, back problems or neck problems.
Shoes with stiletto heels are prohibited.
Accessibility Information
Prosthetics that are permitted must be secured
Non - Ambulant & Wheelchair Access
You must have full upper body strength including head and neck control and be able to brace against the forces.
Currently not suitable for non ambulant Guests howver this is being reviewed for 2024
Guests must be able to sit up and hold themselves upright without assistance
Guests must be able to self exit the ride car unaided
Guests must be able to walk unaided from the ride from height, (including stairs) walking down steep steps independently,
Evacuation of this ride may involve walking over uneaven and step terain
Missing Limb or Amputation Information
Guests are required to have a minimum of three full limbs to enjoy this attraction
Guests with any leg amputations are not permitted to ride regardless of whether they have a prosthetic .
Guests with 1 arm amputation above the elbow are not permitted to ride regardless of whether they have a prosthetic
Accessibility and Limb Difference Guides
A full list of restrictions are detailed in the Accessibility Guide and Limb Difference Guides below.
For any further queries, please contact us on accessibility@chessington.co.uk
Ride Access Information